everyday light

unexpected glimpses of natural light phenomema

the morning dews

A low morning sun triggered this two-tone dew display. Not sure I understand what’s going on so I’m taking a crack at a double refraction idea which seems to work out.

Interesting that the colors are basically just blue- ish and red-ish with nothing in-between. Even secondary rainbows (also formed via double refraction) have a continuity of colors so I’m not sure what’s going on. Maybe has something to do with the shape of water globules since they are not perfect spheres?

dew refraction small

photo diagram

dew ray diagram

One comment on “the morning dews

  1. heather
    October 5, 2013

    this is cool… new home, new inspiration. Keep it coming

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This entry was posted on October 4, 2013 by in daylight, everyday light, perception and tagged , , .